
Supporting the English Springer Foundation: How You Can Participate

  • You can participate through annual individual gifts to the Foundation which are fully tax deductible to the limits described by law.
  • You can encourage your local club to participate through an annual contribution.
  • You can encourage others to join you in support of the goals of the Foundation.
  • You can suggest potential donors to any member of the Foundation Board of Directors.
  • You can become involved in fund raising for the Foundation.
  • You can consider the Foundation in your estate planning.
  • You can offer archival materials such as books, periodicals, event catalogs, photographs of historic interest, and works of art.

When gifts, large and small, are combined, great strides can be taken to advance the Foundation’s goals.

Note: Contributions are ordinarily deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes, to the limits described by law.

Gifts of appreciated stock are encouraged. To make a gift of stock, please contact the Foundation Treasurer, Marti Nickoli, at


Many Gifts Make Dreams Come True for English Springer Spaniels

We all dream of a day when, through the combined efforts of everyone who loves Springers, each challenge to a bright future is at last eliminated.

We all dream of a day when information and education about English Springers is readily and easily available to every Springer fan and friend around the world.

Such a large vision requires many dreamers. Some will be loyal annual contributors, providing a steady backbone of support made great by many gifts. Others may be willing and able to commit substantial resources. Some may even wish to make bequests, or estate commitments, so that their love for English Springers will be forever honored, celebrated and remembered.

Gifts made in this spirit, no matter what the amount, will serve our English Springer Spaniels honorably – as they have served us.

Play Time!